How to switch career and earn more - Helen Tupper

One of the key levers to build wealth is increasing your income.

We’re stating the obvious here but the interesting thing is that switching career to earn more money is rarely considered.

And that’s normally because we’ve already invested so much in our careers that the idea of switching now, with the hope of earning more, makes us shudder.

The perceived cost is too high. We feel it’s better to ride on our current career tracks rather than move to another set of tracks with all the risks that entails. If you’ll pardon the train analogy.

But is that thinking sound? Are we being driven too much by fear?

Helen Tupper argues that having a squiggly career (where you move around) delivers the most value, in various ways, including financially of course.

But how do you actually go about switching careers? How can you minimise your chances of failure? And is it too late if you’re in your 40s or 50s?

Helen lays it all out…


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